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Tape & Strapping

Stick together through every chapter.

Seal your next move with a satisfying snap thanks to Wrap & Move Tapes & Dispensers. Contain it all using 45 Micron Tape or double-down on durability with Heavy Duty 60 Micron Tape. With paper, plastic and specialist designs to choose from like Heavy, Fragile, and Warning, your belongings (and secrets) are safe with us.


Clear Light Duty Packing Tape 48mm x 50m 3 Pack

Clear Light Duty Packing Tape 48mm x 50m 12 Pack

Brown Packing Tape 48mm x 50m 3 Pack

Brown Packing Tape 48mm x 50m 6 Pack

Clear Heavy Duty Packing Tape 48mm x 50m 3 Pack

Brown Kraft Paper Packing Tape 48mm x 50m

Fragile Warning Tape 48mm x 66m

Yellow Heavy Warning Tape 48mm x 66m

Coloured Room Label Tapes 48mm x 66m Set of 4


Moving Starter Kit

Clear Packing Tape With Handheld Dispenser 48mm x 50m 2 Pack

Clear Packing Tape With Tape Dispenser 48mm x 50m 2 Pack

Red & Black Heavy Duty Metal Tape Dispenser

White & Red Tape Dispenser


Blue Packaging Strapping 15mm x 50m